Before he was famous for ‘The Factory’ where thought-provoking films, artists like Nico, Lou Reed and The Velvet Underground, The Exploding Plastic Inevitable events were born, pop-art icon Andy Warhol was a creative Adman in 1950’s New York.

Billed as the most comprehensive exhibition dedicated to Any Warhol’s career pre-pop in over 25 years, Adman is showing at the Art Gallery of NSW in Sydney until 28 May 2017.

The exhibition showcases more than 300 of Andy Warhol’s drawings, photographs, vintage advertisements, department store front displays and commercial illustrations from his time in the advertising industry. Some items, have never before been on public display.

Lovers of art, history and popular culture should not miss this exhibition.

Tickets start from $18 and are available online via Qtix

Image: Philip Pearlstein Andy Warhol in New York City c1949, Philip Pearlstein papers, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
